We welcome all user-contributed photos of our products!
If you own any PMOD product(s) and love it(them), please take a picture of it in your home or where else you've been using it, and then email the photos to us with your first name and location (city, state/province/country).
PMOD loves to see our products being well-used and well-taken-care-of in different places of the globe!!!
We had a wonderful show this year at SOUK @ Sat. Looking forward to next year.
PMOD products now available at Headquarters in Montreal. Headquarters is a very nice gallery/boutique located in the east end of Montreal. It carries a wide varieties of unique designs/crafts. Go to Headquarters Gallery & Boutique 1649 rue Amherst Montreal, QC H2l 3L4 914 678 2923 http://www.hqisrad.com/